Thursday, 24 January 2013

What IF?

A number of charities including Action Aid, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Tearfund, Save the Children and Unicef, launched the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign on January 22.

The campaign video was animated by my buddy James Munro, so if you can’t be bothered reading the rest of this blog, at least watch his excellent handiwork here.

What’s it all about?

Well, here’s what campaign organisers have to say about #IF...

Nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night and two million children die from malnutrition every year. We've made progress in other areas, but hunger is still the great scandal of our age. All around the world, even in the UK, people are struggling to feed their families.

In 2013, the government has promised to provide 0.7% of national income for aid and to host a Hunger Summit. We must make sure they keep these promises. In June, the world’s most powerful leaders will meet in the UK at the G8.

This is our best opportunity to tackle hunger. We must make IF happen.

Reading this makes me want to do something. How can we sit around stuffing our faces when we know two million children are DYING each year from malnutrition each year?

Imagine you had nothing to feed your children! Imagine even going one day without food yourself!

The campaign is split into four segments covering aid, land, tax and transparency; urging the government to keep its promises and step up to the plate on eradicating hunger. As president of G8 this year, the UK has a key role in bringing about the changes needed to stop people suffering from, and dying of, hunger.

What can you do?

1. Join the campaign here.
2. Share the message. Post the campaign video to your Facebook or Twitter account and get 
people talking about it.
3. Take note of upcoming events here.
4. Buy Fairtrade food and only buy what you will eat!
5. If you are aged 18-25, get along to one of the youth meals Christian Aid Collective is hosting. Not only will you get a free dinner, you’ll join the debate about eradicating global poverty. They’re happening imminently so check dates here!

Read more from Joy in the next issue of Liberti magazine.

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