I’m afraid this was a pattern of things to come. Each day I
open the email and think about how I’m going to carry out the acts. But then I
invariably forget all about it once I open the next email. That’s not to say I haven’t done any of them, though.
I’ve picked up litter (day 24), paid a visit (day 23), made someone smile (day 22), simplified by getting rid of unnecessary possessions (day 21), been polite on the road (day 20), loved my bags by reusing them (day 19), shared a joke (day 18), ‘wasted’ time with others (day 14), prayed (day 13), passed it forward (day 12), left my comfort zone (day 11), shopped locally (day 9) and nurtured myself by reading the Bible (day 6).
I haven’t necessarily done them in the right order or on the
right day, but I’ve done them nonetheless. In fact, I’m trying to make a habit
of most of them. They’re not just things to do once; they are patterns I want
to build into my daily life. It will take discipline to do so, but who doesn’t
want to be more considerate, generous, kind and friendly?
But what about the tasks I’ve skipped over? Well those are
the ones I struggled with as they require a bit more thought and preparation. I
haven’t given up on them, it’s just a case of getting round to it. Here’s my
plan of action:
Day 1 Create a giving jar. I’m ashamed to say I still haven’t
done this. I will do it today, though, and empty everything I have in my purse
into it (except my library card – I need that!).
Day 2 Cross a social divide. I probably have done this
involuntarily, but I want to do it deliberately. I’ll keep you posted.
Day 3 Share your skill. I’ll need to find someone who is
lacking one of the skills I have and devote an afternoon to teaching them.
Watch this space.
Day 4. Grab a cuppa. I’m yet to buy an extra cuppa to share
with a homeless person, and if I’m honest, I think I’ll struggle with this.
Day 5 Buy Fairtrade. I plan to do it purposefully by
stocking up on choc and wine!
Day 7 Be spontaneous. This isn’t something I’m good at, but
random acts of kindness/generosity are certainly an admirable aim.
Day 8 Donate your holiday. Any ideas of how I can give a day’s
holiday to help someone out?
Day 10 Go screen-free. I’d much rather play a game/sit and
chat than watch the box. I just need to find someone who feels the same!
Day 11 Send a thank you note. My granny is long overdue a
thank you note for giving me her car. Shame on me.
Day 16 Organise a swap. This is at the bottom of the pile at
the moment. I do have stuff to swap, but the word ‘organise’ puts me off – it’s
really not my forte.
Day 17 Make an emergency kit. I have a first aid kit in my
car, but I need to think of a kit I could put together to benefit someone in
It’s easy to avoid doing the tasks that seem to go against
our natural strengths, but these are probably the ones we need to focus on the
most. I’ll let you know how I get on – feel free to do the same in the comments
Read more from Joy in the next issue of Liberti magazine.
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