Thursday, 23 February 2012

Lent? It’s a piece of cake

I don’t normally give anything up for Lent. I may be wrong, but I think a lot of people use it as an excuse to kill two birds with one stone: lose a bit of weight/save a few quid and be able to tell people you’re going without something.

I’m not saying self-sacrifice is a bad thing, but I don’t see any biblical basis for staying off the cake for a month (feel free to correct me below if you do).

So when I heard about the 40acts challenge I was somewhat refreshed. Instead of giving something up, Stewardship, the charity organising it, is encouraging people to spend the 40 days doing something positive; introducing an act of generosity for each day.

This might sound like a lot of hard work, but actually each task is very doable. The first, for example, was creating a “giving jar”. If you’re giving something up for Lent, the aim is to set the corresponding sum aside for a cause of your choice. For example, if you normally have a posh coffee on the way to work, try going without and sticking the coins in your jar instead.

I have to confess, I haven’t located my jar yet, but I’m definitely going to and will aim to set aside a few doubloons every day. It’ll probably take me 40 days to decide where the money’s going, but by then I should have a healthy stash to distribute.

Stewardship is also providing daily notes of encouragement for challenge taker-uppers. Yesterday’s came from the charity’s CEO, Mike O’Neill, who said: “Between now and Easter Sunday you, me and millions of other Christians around the world will walk an ancient path. Some of us will give up chocolate, coffee or cakes, while others will become pilgrims; literally walking in the footsteps of countless generations.

“Whatever we do, Lent will unite us: the persecuted Christian living in the Middle East, the farmer struggling against a changing climate in Peru, the mother in fear of war or pain of poverty. And those of us who are none of the above.”

Today’s challenge is to cross a social divide. I’m not entirely sure how I’ll do this, but I’m going on a long train journey today so I’ve no doubt I’ll have plenty of opportunity!

Ram Gidoomal, chairman of South Asian Concern (SAC), comments: “It is all too easy for us to live separate lives, keeping ourselves to ‘our own people’. Sometimes we feel uncertain about how to relate, or are afraid of making mistakes, so being British we don’t do anything…

“That ‘reserve’ can actually be a lack of love. A few years ago I was leading a training session to help church members build relationships with their South Asian neighbours. We encouraged them to talk to at least one Asian person in the coming week.

“At the next session we invited feedback. At first there was silence. Then a woman stood up and told us: ‘At the school gate the Asian mothers and the white mothers stand in separate groups. They don’t talk to each other. They don’t even make eye contact. Last Tuesday I went and stood next to the Asian mothers.’

“A small step, but it had a profound impact.”

Over the next month or so I’m determined to have my cake and eat it. But I’m also going to get into the habit of practising generosity each and every day. Hopefully this will become a lifelong habit.

[If giving generously for the next 40 days doesn’t excite you enough, the Bible Society has produced a free audio New Testament. It’s been broken up into 28-minute chunks so, by the time Easter Sunday arrives, listeners will have made it through the whole of the New Testament. You don’t even have to read it; you can listen while you walk the dog or make dinner. Visit to download your free copy.] 

Read more from Joy in the upcoming issue of Liberti.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Getting creative with the truth

Guest blog with Liza Hoeksma

Many of us are uncomfortable with our creative sides. In fact, some of you would probably even deny you’ve got one. The truth is, we’re made by the ultimate creator and we reflect his nature so, well, the jigs up: you are in fact creative.

So why do we find it so hard to embrace? I wonder if the fact that creativity rarely pays the bills means it get less of a look in than other elements of our lives. At school the curriculum often features music, drama and art, but unless you’re the one in a million who is destined for stardom in one of these areas, you’ll likely be nudged into a more ‘sensible’ career path. So by the age of 16 you’ve let most of those creative pursuits drop, thinking you weren’t really any good at them anyway and tucking them into ‘the school years’ file in your head.

That was pretty much my story, anyway. As a result, I spent my twenties trying to silence the creative person in me, allowing instead the much louder, logical voice inside me to take control. I wanted a straight career path; roles and responsibilities I knew I could do well in.

But more recently the creative voice has been getting louder in me. I realised that to be creative I had to deal with my fear of failure. GULP! I don’t like getting things wrong (who does?), but if I only ever do things I know I can get right the first time round, I’ll never get anywhere. Or at least not anywhere exciting.

As I’ve taken small steps to embrace and even cultivate creativity I’ve realised it impacts on almost every area of life. It’s taught me to be kinder to myself, to enjoy and appreciate things that are beautiful rather than just things that are purposeful. It’s given me freedom to express myself; to rethink what I value and the way I spend my time and my money. It’s opened my eyes to so much of the world that I had blocked out in my pursuit of the logical.

How much time do you spend pursuing and exploring creativity? I don’t just mean drawing a picture or writing a song – I mean anything creative from baking a cake to visiting the theatre; from taking a photograph to making someone a birthday present. There are many ways to embrace creativity, but we so often shut them out of our lives and in doing so we shut down a part of who we were made to be.

So this year I want to give it a shot. I want to be free to create ten rubbish pictures because the eleventh might be great. I want to try new recipes and not worry if they don’t turn out like Nigella promised. I want to sew my friends pretty pictures and hope they’ll forgive me for my raggedy stitching. And I want to learn from others whether that means going to the ballet or trying a new author.

And most of all I want to learn from the ultimate creator. I want to sit and watch the sea, calmed by its rhythm and in awe of its power. I want to stand in the middle of a forest and be amazed again at the level of detail God has invested in our world. I want to visit the zoo and smile at the fact that God created giraffes and hippos. The one who created the whole world out of nothing, He’s the one who will teach me – and you if you’re up for it – what it really means to live creatively.

Liza Hoeksma writes for Godculture, an online magazine that showcases Christianity in modern culture. For more articles on faith, creativity, technology, justice, music and more, visit Godculture.

Monday, 13 February 2012

How will you spend Valentine’s Day?

Gone are the days of sitting by the front door, waiting for the postman to arrive laden with red envelopes on Valentine’s Day. It never actually happened, but every year I dreamt my knight would sweep me off my feet with one of Clinton’s finest cards.

Now the only red envelopes that are likely to drop through the letterbox are bills I’ve forgotten to pay. And let’s face it, no-one dreams of having their phone cut off on Valentine’s Day.

I wouldn’t say I’m cynical about it – I have no problem being wooed with flowers or gifts – but I absolutely hate shopping for Valentine’s cards. 

I honestly felt nauseous the last time I did it, and left with the least romantic one I could find. Messageless inside, the front read: ‘Resistance is Futile’. It wasn’t a massive hit.

I think my problem is that ‘love poems’ and clichéd phrases mean nothing to me. I don’t want someone to promise to “love me to the moon and back”, that’s not even possible! I think genuine, heartfelt words and gestures – however small – are so much better.

A packet of love hearts under the pillow, a message in the steam on the bathroom mirror, a trip to the zoo… it really doesn’t matter as long as you have put some thought into it and are doing something that you know your loved one will really like. 

I’ve also realised love isn’t only for couples. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you can show love to someone on February 14. 

I was really touched to see that Kate Middleton (or Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor as she is officially known) will be spending Valentine’s at Alder Hey children’s hospital this year.

She could have spent the day moping over Wills, who is in the Falklands with the RAF, and forgotten about the rest of the world. But her decision to visit kids with serious illnesses is a wonderful way to spend Valentine’s Day, and I’m sure it will put a smile on many faces, young and old.

So what can we do to show real love on this over-commercialised occasion? Perhaps we could offer to babysit for a couple that is struggling to spend time together. Or visit someone who has lost a husband or wife. Or maybe we could find a special gift for someone who is in need.

Whatever we do, let’s make love an everyday event. We don’t have to send a card to tell people we love them – although they might like it if you do. 

It’s about using whatever we have to reach others: on February 14 and the other 364 days of the year.

After all, the Bible makes no reference to Valentine’s Day, but it mentions love more than 300 times. It’s a God-given commandment, and – at the risk of sounding super cheesy myself – one that has the power to change the world.

Feel free to tell us below how you’ll be spending Valentine’s Day this year. 

Read more from Joy in the upcoming edition of Liberti magazine.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

My guilty secret

I have a slight obsession with anything crime-related. Cop shows, crime novels, documentaries about serial killers… I even like those terrible American police chase programmes.

There’s something about good triumphing over evil and the exposure of the criminal mind that fascinates me.

So when I stumbled across a free iPhone app called ‘Crime City’ (a real steal!), my fingers started twitching with anticipation. Unfortunately, this strategy game takes the exact opposite approach: it’s all about building up your own Mafia empire through extortion, theft and even assassination. The aim is to collect as much money as you can in order to acquire more weapons, build up your ‘hood’ and attack rival Mafiosi.

You may question how I can play this game as a Christian. But first of all, it is just that: a game. I’m not about to put out a hit on someone for robbing my launderette. Furthermore, there are some hidden biblical principles to pick out (if you look closely enough!).

Firstly, it’s teaching me the gift of patience; something I’m not known for. Each task requires a certain ‘cost’: either to energy levels, stamina or your stash. If you don’t have the necessary items, you simply can’t move onto the next task. Sometimes it can take days and even weeks to get the job done. We often have to wait for things in real life, and practising patience shows that we trust God’s timing, omnipotence and love (2 Corinthians 6:6).

Secondly, it proves that you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7-8). Building defensive buildings and upgrading cash-generating establishments can seem fruitless, but this type of investment often proves crucial further down the line. This is often the case in life – we think a job/degree/relationship has been a complete waste of time, only to find it has laid the groundwork for something wonderful a few years later.

Thirdly, it has shown me the importance of equipping myself for battle. Okay, so I’m not sure we need to be carrying assault rifles or riot shields around with us, but the Bible tells us to “put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11). This includes: the belt of truth; the breastplate of righteousness; the shield of faith; the helmet of salvation; and the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God). These ‘weapons’ strengthen us and protect us from adversity.

Fourthly, it demonstrates that certain tasks/challenges need to be completed before we can move onto the next. In the game this might mean robbing a bank or planting a tracking device, but in our lives it could mean forgiving someone who has offended us; learning from a mistake we keep making; disciplining ourselves to read the Bible when we don’t feel like it; or sharing our faith with someone. There are things in each of our lives that hold us back and prevent us from reaching the next level.

Finally, it reminds us to take what is rightfully ours. In the game you periodically collect money from the businesses you’ve set up – if you don’t, the cash stops building up and rivals can steal it. The Bible says God has given us “everything we need to live a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3), so if there’s something missing, it’s probably because we haven’t tapped into it yet. If you don’t use it, you may lose it!

OK, so I’m going to stop flogging this dead horse now (that’s not part of the game!) as it would be just as easy to turn the analogy round to show how Crime City promotes greed, violence and many other Mafia malignancies. Just remember, this kind of game can be a fun way to spend an hour or two but crime really doesn’t pay!

Read more from Joy in the upcoming issue of Liberti.